Health-resert Jonsdorf Station

The last stop on the way from Zittau to Jonsdorf and simultaneously the terminal station of the section Bertsdorf - Jonsdorf is the station Jonsdorf. Since 1934 the village had had the official name 'Health-resert'. In 1890 - the year of the opening of the line - you found here only a wooden shelter. In its prime time the station had four tracks, two platforms (track 1 + 2) as well as a shed siding (track 4) running to the goods shed. The rails of the shed siding were removed in 1962. In addition to the single track there is an engine line today. In 1913 the station building (450 meters above sea level) was built 'quarters' and an open waiting room. In 1938 the waiting room was reconstructed and full integrated in the building. There were plans to extend the track from Jonsdorf to Cvikov (Bohemian Zwickau). But these plans haven't never been realized. More interesting facts to 'Jonsdorf Station' you can get in No 10 of our broschures. Actually the station building is private property of our club member Herr Neidhardt. He renewed the building with great enthusiasm. Remarkably, the station clock renewed by him is a real eye catcher. Now family Neidhardt has a little nice pension 'Zum Bahnel' in the Jonsdorf station building today. In 2007 the goods shed was reconstructed.

'Zum Bahnel'
'Zum Bahnel'
The swich in dircetion of Bertsdorf
The swich in dircetion of Bertsdorf
The swich in dircetion of Jonsdorf
The swich in dircetion of Jonsdorf
The station building, build in 1913
The station building, build in 1913
The reconstructed goods shed
The reconstructed goods shed
The end of the section to Jonsdorf
The end of the section to Jonsdorf